About Me

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I am a mother of one with a background in public relations and communications, and a degree in Psychology. Before becoming a mom I was very career focused and traveled across Canada working for the Canadian Forces before moving to a job with the Yukon government in order to settle down. This blog is about my transition from working bee to full-time mom and maybe back again. It's also about what it means to be a mom and a home maker.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Potty training already?!

I thought potty training was something you started to try out around age two and were maybe successful with around age three. But lately a few of my at-home(ish) mom friends have been posting about their successes with kids that are only one to three months older than Kaitlyn, including One Fit Mom. I was shocked! I thought to myself that there’s no way Kaitlyn will be potty training any time soon; she doesn’t know when she has to potty and I don’t have enough time with her during the week to enforce anything.
Not two days later, Kaitlyn toddled in from the living room and announced “Poop!” out loud and with sign language. Sure enough, she had a smelly little bum and had come in to announce it. She then proceeded up the stairs to her change table singing “poop, poop, poop,” all the way. I was floored.

Image from pottytraining.ca

I got a potty, just in case. Then last night she walked into the kitchen and once again announced “Poop!” and proceeded upstairs. This time though, there was no smell. I brought out the potty, just to see what she’d do. She was thrilled, so thrilled that she forgot about saying, or going, “poop” and focused solely on her new accessory. She opened and closed it constantly, repeating “potty, potty, potty” and getting on and off. She got so excited (and we so distracted by her excitement) that she pooped on the floor.
So it looks like we’re heading towards potty training much earlier than I had ever expected. Or are we? Could this just be a new fascination because she’s been spending time in the toddler room at daycare, where they have a potty?
Baby Centre Canada has a fairly informative article on knowing when they’re ready to start training and how to go about it. All indications tell me that she is at least getting close but I’m worried about enforcing it because her daycare has a strict “no-pressure” policy when it comes to this. Any other resources out there that you would recommend?

1 comment:

  1. The "readiness" gauges we used, as per the Oh Crap Potty Training book, were:

    1. Ability to sing the ABC song or similar (Oliver doesn't say all of the letters yet, but he can get through the whole tune). This shows that they have the ability to learn something through repetition.
    2. Ability to recognize a need, such as hunger or thirst, and indicate it through signs and/or words. A child who is aware of feelings and needs is capable of recognizing the urge to pee or poop.
    3. Ability to act on a desire by throwing a temper tantrum. This shows that they have the cognitive and behavioural skills necessary for potty training.
    4. Hiding or going somewhere private to pee or poop. This shows a social awareness, as well as awareness of their bodily functions.

    All the other stuff, such as showing interest in the potty, telling you they have a dirty diaper, being able to pull down pants, etc. is just icing on the cake... a bonus, if you will. Some kids actually *never* exhibit the typical signs of "readiness" until potty training is already underway!
