In other news, we had a house full of stomach flu this weekend. I was the last to get it, last night, so I get a sick day all to myself at home. I should mention that for me, flu means just feeling nauseous and tired, rather than actually getting sick. For Kaitlyn and Keith, it means, well, what flu usually means. Arguably, I could have suffered through a day of work but after a weekend of dealing with a sick household, I could really use the rest.
Eleven of the kids at Kaitlyn's daycare also reported having flu over the weekend, which makes me want to pull her out of there asap. Some people argue that daycare is a great way for kids to get exposed to all the germs so that they build up immunity, but I call BS on that one. I didn't go to daycare once in my life and I have great immunity. It's rare that I actually get sick and when I do, it's not nearly as severe as it seems to be for everyone else. Hopefully, they don't all pass it back to each other again today.
I'm with you on the daycare thing. For us, it has been a non-stop parade of disgusting illnesses, including rotavirus (after his very first day!), roseola, hand foot & mouth disease, and countless nasty colds and flus.
ReplyDeleteI actually think it is *very* taxing on their developing immune systems to be sick so often and so badly at such a young age. Yes, children need to be exposed to germs in order to build immune function, but this is something that is intended to happen in a controlled and gradual manner. Daycare, on the other hand, is more like a continuous, all-out assault.